Thursday, December 23, 2010
Happy Holidays
And remember
Drive sober!!!
Tech and car will resume regular service in the new year
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Its that time of the year again
Post your suggestions in the comments ( or as a reply if your from the garfieldp forums)
Hurry finalists will be announced wednesday and the winner(s) will be chosen the following week.
Categories are:
Car of the year
Truck of the year
Best compact
Best luxury sedan under 100k
Best sedan under 50k
Best exotic
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Website: ( just copy and paste blogger url has been acting up lately)
Price: 9.99 euros right now ( get it now , after the beta its going to be 14.95 euros and you wont get all the future updates
UPDATE: it has now reached beta and is no longer 9.95
Friday, December 3, 2010
Our Mission Statement
1) To deliver the important news and leave the boring bits out ( I call this the "Boring News Filter")
2) To develop a strong community of both car geeks and tech geeks
3) To keep all posts as simple and short as possible ( when possible)
Tech And Car
( April 2009-Present)
Alternatives to Norton Antivirus
3) AVG Antivirus Free
Price: Free
Why its good: It Doesn't force you to upgrade or give you a trial and it only gives you what you need.
2) MalwareBytes Anti-Malware
Price: Free
Why its good: It is also free plus it has known to remove quite a lot of virus's like the infamous "Security Tool" and it is also very lightweight.
1) Microsoft Security Essentials
Price: Free
Why its good: It is like the a above and best of all, its microsoft!
There you have it. You can now say good bye to Norton. If you have any other programs feel free to post it in the comments
Thursday, November 18, 2010
New laptop
TSA and the infamous body scannerz
- body scanners reveal parts of the body that really shouldnt be seen
- The TSA agent's look like creeps due to the above.
-The pat down is also worse and makes people feel incomfortable( it requires them to touch your "private parts")
- the above is also a violation of The United States Of America's Civil rights ( as well as privacy rights)
-The scanners could pose a risk to pregnant women as well as people with other medical conditions.
-the body scanners in general are not good for our health.
So Join the revoloution everybody...lets show the TSA whos have the right to opt out....TSA just wasted a load in these for word if they have reached here yet but hopefully the Canadian Government will respect our rights!!!!
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Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Forum Donators
These members will have special privleges for only a min $10 a year...
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Black Ops
Currently im in the progress of getting a copy and will provide a review soon
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Monday, November 8, 2010
Call Of Duty Black Ops
( i tried getting a timer up but couldnt find one oh well)
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Mitsubishi live FAIL
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New Logo coming soon
phase 2 includes :
-new more refined and cleaner logo
- forum improvements
-boards "tech" and "car" on garfieldp may be redirected to our boards should go down (donate)
-irc improvements???( maybe a bot)
-1 new site possibly
- google site will be cleaned up and possibly shut down or used as a server in the future ( for files )
And thats about it
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iPhone DST bug
You should be good after monday and go back to your regular alarm. iOS 4.2 will give a permenant fix to this bug
Monday, October 25, 2010
Video Of the Month
"Saudis in Audis"
possibly the best funny car related rap out there ( dont worry this isnt NSFW thankfully)
Disclaimer: Tech and car is not trying to offend anyone in this post. Heck the owner of this site was born in Saudi Arabia. Please take this as a light hearted joke.
EDIT: Sorry Blogger Is Screwing Up Embeding
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Virtual Test Drives.
In other news i just recived this email:
Re: You get to go first … at the World’s First Online Test-Drive!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
And the winner of the small car comparo is....
UPDATE: Ok i know im not exactly fond of honda civics but u gotta hand it to the japanese for once they have made one "decent car". Would i buy one for my personal use...probably not
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Car Buying Advice
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
He also owns ( his blog ) and many other sites. I know your asking, " why am I doing something that will make me lose visitors", trust me its all for a good cause
Monday, September 27, 2010
4 Fuel efficent vehicles
One of my relatives needs to replace his aging 2001 dodge caravan ( Its near the end of its life). So I was asked to find a couple of cars that would fit the descrpition of fuel efficent, reliable, safe, as well as pratical. And so starts this comparo....
There was a huge selection to choose from( Ford Fiesta, Nissan Cube, Nissan Sentra, civic and corrolla{ i didnt choose them } as well as a few othersbut there were limitations...
The car had to
- be between 7-15k
- Reliable
-only japanese cars ( sadly)
-Fuel Effcient
- automatic only
so we narrowed it down too 4 cars
- 2008-2010 Honda Civic DX-G
-2008-2010 Nissan Sentra
-2009-2010 Nissan Cube
- 2008-2010 Toyota Corolla
We then went to work comparing the models. We went first to the Honda dealer ( not giving names) where we were checking the civic out. We then discovered the main diffrences in the models. They are as follows:
DX: base model... no ac no extra stuff just basic
DX-A: same as base but with a/c, hence the "A"
DX-G The best selling/ most pratical model. adds cruise control and keyless entry.
We decided to look for the DX-G.
We then went to a nearby Nissan Dealer. We first laid our eyes on a Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V with a low price. It was awesome but we had onr problem... it was a manual.. Mind you we did considering bending The rule.
Then the dealer showed us a fully loaded cube which was too much for us.
Nothing much can be said about the corolla except that the dealer was pressuring a test drive.
So Now comes the final descion... what will be the best small car under 15k come back soon to find out.
Oh and have you joined our facebook page?
Friday, September 24, 2010
Hint: it has to do with subcompact cars
head on over her in a few days to find out what im on about
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Top gear filming in NY
Topgear is filming in america ....again.....when will they come to Canada ?
ipod shuffle first look
Its got the play , forward, rewind , stop , power and voice over thats it not much after that....why does apple still make these?
ipod nano first look ( new gen)
Ok so the picture viewer on my phone isnt working sso ill post pics later for those who dont like text only blog posts.
anyways the ipod nano:
- touch screen
- genius mixes
- pretty much the same as the old one but with difffrent interface and no camera
Friday, September 10, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Facebook Places Update
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Tech and Car.....we redefine mobile blogging
Well for one you will know be able to view the blog on your iphone easily ( dont worry there is an iphone friendly forum coming soon) and secondly it will allow more customization ( a definite plus over I will keep you guys updated on the latest.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Ipod touch 4th gen
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
New iPod lineup
- new shuffle with voice over AND buttons ( nothing much besides that)
- new nano with a touchscreen the size of the shuffle ( camera removed)
- and lastly, a thinner iPod Touch 4G with a retina display , front and rear facing camera's ( finally) with HD video recording, A4 chip, and lots more
other announcements were
- iTunes 10
-Apple Tv
-iOS 4.1
-iOS 4.2
I will be going in depth and post pictures over the next few days. That is all
The moment we have been waiting for
Will there be a new iPod touch coming out....or perhaps an iPod Nano
head over to at 10 am (PDT) to watch their live stream and find out
Monday, August 30, 2010
New iPod touch coming September 1st?
Thats when the next apple event is happening in sanfrancisco. Other rumors are :
- new ipod nano
- apple tv
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
happy 15th birthday windows 95
Friday, August 20, 2010
new virus
re: Your AOL Billing Information records are ...!
Dear Member,
Thank you for choosing America Online.
Unfortunately there has been aproblem processing your billing information for this month.
Please review our billing requirements at KW: Billing. You will be able to
update your billing information quickly and easily using our secure server
web form. Please understand that without promptly updating your billing
information, your America Online Internet service may be discontinued. To
update your billing at this time, please visit our secure server web form by
clicking the hyperlink below.
Click Here, To "Update billing."
America Online Billing Services. We appreciate your business and hope to keep you as a customer for life.
America Online is so easy, no wonder it's number 1 !
Sincerely, The AOL Billing Services Team
American Online
Copyright 1999-2010 Aol, All Right reserved.
funny thing is that I don't even have AOL so clearly it's a virus
yet another scanner ......let's show him whose boss by spreading warning about this message!!!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Special announcement
WE ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE OUR NEW FORUMS! is the temproary address until i can secure a subdomain from garfieldp
Sunday, August 15, 2010
turn your iPod Touch into a phone with the tPhone
in about 12 hours tech and car is about to be changed forever
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
New iPod touch?
There are rumors going around of a possible 4th generation iPod Touch being reavealed sometime within the next few weeks.
it said to have :
- retina display
- two cameras
Saturday, August 7, 2010
apple stores now blocking jailbreakme

when jailbreakme first came out for os 4.0 one of the best features was that you didn't have to use a usb cable to jailbreak. Apparently one person decided to take advantage of this and decided to jailbreak an iPhone 4 on display at an Apple store just for the laughs. People soon found it so funny that they did the same too. What came next was a huge swarm of jailbroken iDevices. Ofcourse they do restore themselves at night( now im not promoting this behaviour although it is funny). So now Apple finally caught on and blocked jailbreakme from the apple stores wifi. unfortunately for them someone has found a work around. by connecting to another wifi soucre via tethering or mobile hotspot on the iDevice, you can acess jailbreak me. In other news a new Apple store ( the biggest yet) is opening with a whole bunch of unjailbroken iDevices. Expect that store to be raided by jailbreakers within 24 hrs of the grand opening
Sunday, August 1, 2010
iPhone 4 / iOS4 jailbreak now out by comex
Top Gear 15X06
and so ends another short series.....
get your episode now
iPhone 4 ( where you can buy one)
as i am typing this i am standing in a mall in london ontario. and i have had my first ( very brief ) hands on with the iPhone 4. ( It certainly feels different and I have tried to replicate the antenna problem but the phone had no sim)
any ways here is a list of places you can get it from as far as i know
t booth
walmart?? ( not confirmed)
i will make a thread on the forums and update it as soon as possible if i find any new ones
Epic pic of the day
a reminder for fellow iPhone 4 owners in Canada
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
ethernet vs wireless
alot of people these days have wireless routers.... which is great as alot of our mobile devices have wifi these days. But when it comes to connect two computers wirelessly it is not the best way. This is what I have learned. The reason being is that these so called " wireless adapters" which allows pc# 2 to connect to the router via usb are very fragile and the one I had for the cpu in the basement has broken on numerous occasions both physical and internal. Mind you , there are built in adapters in many of Todays computers and portable devices. However Ethernet , no matter how outdated it looks, is the way to go. Reason being is that ethernet is so much more durable and is also faster. This makes a whole lot of diffrence if your an avid online gamer. and range is no excuse also for getting one as ethernet cables can go as far as 100 ft if you look hard enough. Thats about all i have to say for now. Now if you can excuse me ive got to go and get my hands on a 30 ft ethernet cable
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Vista error
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
what owners manuals are all about
the other day i was reading the owners manual for a 2001 - 2007 dodge caravan. I cant help but notice all the little warning labels that come with pretty much every car. There is alot of instructions on how to operate the electrical components and such of the car. What do automakers think we are....dummies? Seriously when was the last time you had to consult the owners manual for a car to operate the a/c .....probably not as most cars share the same ac layout and all ( except with those with in dash computers which handle everything). Some of the safety information may seem obvious but sadly some people are dumb enough to do stuff that you shouldnt do such as letting a kid under 12 sit in the front passenger seat where there is an airbag. However owners manuals are useful if you want to find the SAE ra5ting for your oil or how to operate the feautures that are not so common these days like hands free calling. So if i were to make an owners manual for a car i would make two of them, one with the uncommon feautures and the oil one, and the other one which will be called " Health and safety for Dummies"
Friday, July 16, 2010
apple is the new toyota
so after the relaes of iphone 4 ppl are having big problems with the reception whicb is resulting in a huge pr mess for apple
so whos next..........
the long awaited LG eve review
as i am typing this i am on the road enroute to back home. i am so bored so to pass time i decided to do a review of my lg eve. ( my bad for grammatical errors i may make during this review.)
On the outside the eve is like any other smartphone with a touch screen and keyboard. you have your home and back buttons.
the keyboard is fairly easy to use if you dont care about grammar.....hence said grammatical errors.
the eve runs android 1.5 for most rogers customers.
although android 2.2 would be awesome im not sure if the hardware is up for it. for one thing you only have abbout 113 mb of ram when only the basic processes are running. plus when you do start running processes, android becomes a memory hog. furthermore this also reduces your battery life significantly. so 2.2 is out of question for now.
as far as other hardware goes the phone sports a 5 mp camera ( beat that iphone 3GS) and a qwerty keyboard about the same size as the phone itself.
all in all the lg eve is a good smartphone for those who dont use it much and dont care about looks but rather functionality.
now if you will excuse me i have a bit of work to do on my phone. ;)
Saturday, July 10, 2010
im back
i am back from florida and will resume full blogging shortly
Sunday, July 4, 2010
happy july 4th to all our neighbours to the south
stay safe and sane
( dont forget to pay attention to local fireworks laws)
Thursday, July 1, 2010
starbucks offering free wifi starting today
no u wont have to b uy a cofee anymore for access
top gear season 15 ep1 out
incase you havent noticed top gear season 15 ep 1 is out and if you misssed it on the tv ( or if u dont live in the uk) you can always get it from
( note: i am not promoting piracy as much of north america has no other choice as the episodes we get over here are 2 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!.......hint hint bbc)
Finland makes brodband internet a legal right
you heard that right
for now everyone in finland , rich or poor, is getting free acess to a 1 mbps internet connection with the goal of making it 100 mbps by 2011
epic car pic of the day
Saturday, June 26, 2010
i dont know when u forum buddies are going to get this but
live stream will be live in 30 sec
live stream
today we had our first live streaming session on .
it was ok despite the fact tht no one watched
so i decided to stop it to save battery for the 7 hr drive
will be streaming later on the day
Friday, June 25, 2010
dont have anyone to use "Facetime" with?
an apple support rep will be sure to have a nice chat with you
( apples version of chatroulette)
ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Samsung's new phone
its called the :)
the phone feautres the same features as any other standard phone with a slide out keyboard ( text phones)
But seriously what do u call this name
the samsung smiley face?
Sunday, June 20, 2010
iOS 4
Be sure to make backups of ur apps . Etc
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Friday, June 18, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Microsoft kinect's biggest flaw
Although the setup is impressive there is one major flaw.
You see the Kinect also allows you to control the xbox using voice
And the voice command can be very annoying if you have someone in the house who ...say.... Loves to annoy you
So this is what will happen.
Person 1 : * playing xbox ( very intense battle scene in Modern warfare 2 let's say)
Person 2: XBOX..PAUSE!!!!
Person 1: FUUUUUUU!!!!!
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LG Eve Update #2
Wish me luck
Plan is $30 a month with me paying 1/2 ( if I do get the phone of course)
If I do expect unboxing video ( if I'll be able to hold the excitement in by the time I reach home) :p
Wish me luck
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iPhone 4 delayed
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Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Lambo crash
Monday, June 14, 2010
The gold plated bugatti veyron model
LG eve update
Currently if I'm going to get one then I'll have to get data plan
Now my question to you is:
Should I:
a) get the phone with data for month then cancel ( $100 cancelation fee) and get a normal plan
b) just get the data plan
Currently I'm thinking about the latter , of course I could get a same old regular phone ( like everyone else) but what's the fun in that, I mean if I'm gonna be stuck with a phone for 3 years mine as well make it a good 3 yrs......
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Saturday, June 12, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
update on lg eve
Bad news: the lg eve is only sold with a $49 data plan from rogers wirelessor else I have to buy the fricking phone for $400+
Good news: don't worry I will get my hands on it one way or the other!!!!!:@
And if I don't I shall never use Rogers wireless again!!!!!!!
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Monday, June 7, 2010
iPhone OS update
Instead it's iOS4
An today apple announced that it will be free for the iPod touch (yay)
Also a developers gold sdk has been realsed today ( which by the name sounds like the final version)
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iPhone 4
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
iPad review
This past weekend I passed by the apple store and got to test the iPad for myself. Here is my review.
At first sight the ipad looks just as on tv. Then when you pick it up you can feel the diffrence in terms of weight. When you first turn it on you will be greeted by a lockscreen similar to that of the iPhone except there is alot more space around the slider and also there is the slideshow button. After unlocking it you are greeted by a home screen which also can be viewed in landscape. Many of the apps work as shown on the keynote( particularly the photo app) the apps you get from the AppStore ( which looks brilliant) are very good too. My favourite app is the flight control HD app which is much easier to use on the ipad than the iPhone. The ipad starts at $550 with 3G plans starting from $15/mo.
Overall the iPad is a brilliant device if only it had a camera. It is by far one of the best products Apple has made. Well done Apple, well done!!!!
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Saturday, May 29, 2010
( including Canada)
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Friday, May 28, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Re: why I don't blog as much as the others
-asyed , Founder & CEO of Tech & Car
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Application template
Name you want to be known as:
Why you want to blog for me:
List any tech/car related groups and their websites you have been a member of:
That is all Now the requirements:
- you must be atleast 15 years of age. ( to prevent NoOBs wHo tYPE LiKE THIS!!!)
- You must be dedicated to post atleast one post A day
- you must use proper grammar.
what's in it for you? Well for one thing you can put it in your resume. You can also have your voice heard and more.....
So if your interested PM ME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Monday, May 24, 2010
Ugly car of the day
Hawaii installs anti drifting road
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(Ricer: from the latin word Ricarius meaning to suck at everything you attempt)
A person who makes unecessary modifications to their most often import car (hence the term "rice") to make it (mostly make it look) faster.
There u go
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Mobile forums
Quote of the day
-Ed The Nerd ( Twitter )
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Mysterious person buys 10 one 77's
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Tech support this weekend?
I'm not sure as I am already busy as it is
I'm thinking about doing it on irc at around 11pm
i'll keep u posted
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Google tv
Google has announced a new service called google tv. Google tv is a service which connects your tv to the Internet, allowing you to browse the web and ultimately watch videos on your tv. Launching late this year, google tv will come built in in some tv's or you can get a box which hooks up to your existing tv via HDMI. This truly makes me think google wants take over the world!!!!!
Launch video above^^^^^
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