Friday, May 20, 2011

Video of The Day

Now you can drive slot cars and not worry about polluting the environment :P

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Test Drive Unlimited 2-The Review

So after recieving my copy of TDU2 (thanks atari), I decided to drive around and see the game firsthand. This is my experience.

DISCLAMER: ill try not to bore you out on this one...I promise!!


you first start off at Ibizia you are in a party.Some high soceity type then calls you over and says Happy Birthday...even though in reality it is not your birthday. I'll stop it at that for now.

The handling is ok at most. Now you must be saying,"its shit", well lets see you make a better game when 38883838 people want it ASAP.Anyways back to the handling. Most of the handling is sub-realistic but still far better than other racing titles that may not be named...***coughnfscough***

The selection of cars seems to be decent with alot of DLC planned in. A big dissapointment was the absense of Lamborghini. However, there are tons of other cars that are awesome.Also word of advice: Dont buy a veyron unless you really need it...its a waste in most races and no one will race you on a long stretch of road.

The Gameplay is ok for the most part but some of the acting can get rather annoying.

So far This review has been rather on the "ok" side...thats about to change.

The multiplayer is vastly improved and is more interactive.

The 83738373737368 kms of roads are fun to drive on ...especially in an ariel atom

The races are not too hard but not to easy ...except for the first few that are relatively easy compared to the current races.

Overall this game gets a 9.0/10 for its awesomness despite the rumored to be redone physics.

And yes that picture above is one of my garages from when i first got a 2nd house...since then i have 4 houses...16-20 cars, and $4 Million Dollars as well as gone up to level 22.

Epic picture of the day

"i bought a car from a ferrari dealer today".
***gasps from fellow coworkers***
"i bought a Fiat 500".